Science Saves Itself with Death


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The severed head must be cooled as well as the decapitated recipient’s body. The spinal cords can be connected with polyethylene glycol (PEG) as previous studies have shown with dogs. The sharper the knife, the cleaner the cut; the cleaner the cut, the easier the transplant.

Some may ask, “Where has science gone?” They look around for the global effects and changes they have expected from technological progress and see nothing. We expect to see renewable energy, to see open-access digital networks without surveillance, to see efficient and accessible alternatives to transportation. We all have high expectations of what science should do for us, for humanity, for posterity, but we find science deep in their windowless, self-contained labs debating on how sharp their knives should be. We find science playing with dead bodies like dogs, tossing them back in forth in hopes to revive its play-thing. Is performing a head-transplant on a monkey a giant leap for science or just a sadistic ploy to jack-off with intelligence?

Scientists’ tools aren’t the technology of the future but of antiquated butchery. They use plastics––the invasive mucus of the earth, clogging its life systems––to help re-establish their vivisected patient’s decapitated body with the head of an other. The blade of long gone warriors are used to open a wound to be healed by the synthesized infection of the earth. Where have the scientists gone? Do they know the world they live in? Do they have a direction?

Their scope is myopic. Everyone is a specialist and working their way further and further into obscurity with––what seems to be––highly tedious and banal assignments. They sleep in their labs and their computers lack operating systems that support dial-up connections. They listen to sports radio in the caverns of study where they subconsciously receive triggers of win or fail, be conquered or defeated, coerce or submit. Scientists provide doses of drugs for their opponents to escape the corporeal pain soon to be subjected upon them. They study entrails and never say a word about it.

Where have they found their source of hubris? The hubris that very well may be our nemesis. The history of modern literature and storytelling often grapple with the ethical grounds in which these scientists seem to play. The mad-scientist, the nuclear apocalypse, and the newly popularized death-wish of the zombie apocalypse are images of science taking a wrong turn past the point-of-no-return in which humanity and nature are threatened with destruction. Modernists often felt conflicted with the technological industrialization they saw. They saw the atomic bomb, they saw chemical warfare, they heard bombers drop destruction from above. Science worked for warfare and, before and since then, science is the experimentation on the living flesh of the material world. The being of a world is not necessarily corporeal, it can have an essence without a physicality, it can have a space without being material. Science has ostensibly long passed the identification of the natural processes of the world and has moved to its manipulation, its coercion, its malleability under the working hands of man struggling to save itself from itself.

A feedback loop whose exponential remnants are yet to be determined. Where are the limits of a being? How can we determine it to be living or not? Do we define a being in its relation to other beings in a physical sense? What beings give us the being that we call humanity? How much has our being cost?

Every cut on the underside of a vivisection is a blade lined up for humanity.

Conducting the first head transplant is not a breakthrough in science. This is not an empirical study, this is a test of brutality and grotesqueness in which we see how much we can keep pent up. This is the pride of man who sees himself above all else, who perpetrates the innocent of the world to save himself.

Science kills the baby of the future.

Science is presently feeding on the earth to save itself because the past has already accumulated to too much to recoup. Where is the future of science? Science is a part of the ashes of the culture who made it, science burns with humanity and ignites the original fire. We find ourselves emerging from the narratives of the bomb’s destruction to the hopeful race towards eternal life (Singularity). Science sees what it has done and what will come, science seeks eternal life without this earth but now finds itself stuck in the muck of its grotesque materialism.

We find ourselves in a position in which the past is catching up with us. Preceding generations thought little of us, of posterity, and were consumed within their own machinations of profit and progress. We find ourselves in a time in which we have to fight against what our predecessors have done, given, and taken. We are fighting to work our way back to a nominal degree of sustainability, to equal distribution of all forces previously disturbed, but it may be too much.

We continue to take and deem life frivolous and run-of-the-mill for the desire to save ourselves. We take life for our own eternity. We seek to live forever and are willing to sacrifice it all to see the bleak future we have determined. We will live in our muck because it will eventually be too much. Science is a series of experiments that continue to decapitate dogs in order to reattach the head. Science drills into to skulls and implants electrodes. Science saves itself with death.